
Negotiator: advice and negotiation in buying and selling real estate in London

Trust Longrad to ensure every penny of your investment is well placed.
Are you looking to buy a property in London or the UK and want to secure the best possible deal?

Seems like we are on the same page. At Longrad, we offer our Negotiator Service designed to ensure you come out on the winning side of every real estate transaction. With Longrad's Negotiator Service, our fee is directly linked to the results we achieve for you. We are fully committed to getting you the best deal. Here's how it works:
Let's say, you have found an apartment you would like to buy. Contact us for a free consultation on neighborhood selection, market conditions and the buying process. We utilise our years of experience and market knowledge to your advantage, exploring every detail to secure the most competitive price for your desired property.
Book a consultation now
Negotiations process
If you are serious about your chosen property, we negotiate with the seller (or the seller's agent) on your behalf and get the best possible price and terms for you. We oversee the process comprehensively, working with lawyers, bankers and tax advisors.
Obtaining a discount
The fee for our services is 15% - 40% of the discount we negotiate off the official asking price. The amount of the commission depends on the purchase budget.
Remuneration for our expertise aligns with the outcomes we deliver. In the rare event a discount proves elusive, you will still gain the full benefit of our market acumen, seasoned negotiating skills, and extensive experience. When a discount is secured, not only do you achieve a favourable property price in London or across the UK, but you also enjoy the full spectrum of Longrad's support. From the initial bargaining to the intricate tapestry of legal documentation, our specialists will guide you at every juncture.

Either way, you are on the winning side.
Why choose LonGrad?
  • Expert Analytics
    Real-time expert information ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.
  • Extreme Professionalism
    Offering 5-star service in the London property market since 2005.
  • 24/7
    In Touch
    24/7 accessibility and lightning-fast response times.
  • 100% Personalised Approach
    Experience our commitment to delivering exceptional service tailored specifically to you.

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Registered office: 23 Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London, W1J 6HE.